Painless Hard Lump Side Neck Painless, Hard, Immovable Lump On Neck?

Painless, hard, immovable lump on neck? - painless hard lump side neck

A couple of weeks, I discovered a lump in my scalp an inch or so behind the ear on the little plate that kind of falls under the skull, if you know what I mean. The tumor is less than half an inch in diameter, and appear at regular intervals to shrink and grow very weak, but in my mind, because he almost always play. I really do not think it changes the size at all. It does not hurt at all, and it is very difficult, but I do not believe that the bones so hard. I can not move. I feel that if my head back on the opposite side of the body and go as far as I can. The position of the head extremes may be one reason why it seems so hard and immovable, because it might be stretching it .... I have many horror stories about these kinds of things that would be lymphoma, cancer, or read more. I have no other symptoms, but I know that this does not mean I'm fine. I go to the doctor soon, but until I am crazy, but so can a lotThings as a cyst, a benign tumor, etc etc etc. What do you mean? If you had a similar problem, please let me know what was diagnosed as. Thank you!
So I had something similar in the exact same area a few years ago and went into one or two weeks, but for some reason I remember it as a soft and painful .. .... I may be wrong, but.


cbrdgt. said...

Sounds like a lymph node. I suggest you consult a doctor if they do not disappear in a few weeks.

Denisedd... said...

No signs of something that is no reason to freak out. Sounds like a normal lymph nodes. Stop playing and disappear with it a chance. If you grow and shrink, not cancer.

MrCool said...

Sounds like a cyst, which was never drained.

w.endria... said...

I doubt that a lymph node from there ... but may be any nodes in their SCIA Sowles virtually anywhere in the world, so that they can Swol for many reasons, not just for lymphoma.
It is a great idea to have it looked at, I'm not sure if they know that feel just right though. I had a few lumps in the vicinity of the area and has also taught furniture Tho was a knot, if she had not done in 2 weeks, I emphasized exploration and decide a cyst now, i ll disappear when they are removed, and therefore can not be anything, get tested and know what it is,,,, I'm sure it's nothing, sorry

Winterlo... said...

That sounds very similar to a lymph node node.When your body encounters a virus or some other type of infection could be destroyed by its nodes nodes.Therefor why more and more, so who really smaller.If cancer that probably few other symptoms such as fever, fatigue, night sweats, etc.. But as you say, no, that's really good!
I had this problem in 3 years and ended leukemia.II was new about 2 months and the cancer has returned, but there were other symptoms not only verified if any lumps.If bring a bad thing!

Good luck and I hope everything goes well!

Natalie said...

Maybe you have some type of cancer

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